About Vidos

Given its name by the French, the small Islet of Vidos lies opposite Corfu Town. Originally known Ptyhia or Hera, today it is a protected nature reserve and has many rare types of flora and fauna. There are 3 beautiful beaches and a taverna and cafeteria for refreshments.
The remains of a fort that was built be the French can be seen and it is said that underwater tunnels connected the island to the fortresses on Corfu.
During the First World War the island served as a hospital for Serbian soldiers who had retreated after their country was invaded by Austro-German-Bulgarian Forces, but continued to defend Corfu. The sick and near dying soldiers were treated on Vidos to prevent epidemics. More than a thousand soldiers died on the island and the Serbian Mausoleum was erected to honour them.
Vidos is a ten minute boat ride from Corfu, with boats leaving every hour during the summer months.
