About Corfu Town

Corfu has been described as a cultural mix of Italy, mostly Venice with a touch of Naples, France, at its most elegant and England, for its eccentricities, but always Greek. A stroll through the narrow kantounia, the cobbled maze of streets in the Old Town, bears witness to the influence of the conquerors of this small island.

Corfu Town has much to offer even the most well travelled visitor. The art galleries and museums, of which there are more than a dozen, hold regular exhibitions. The town’s three brass bands, symphony orchestra, opera company, choir, contemporary and traditional dance groups and drama societies guarantee a full programme of musical and theatrical events that make Corfu Town a vibrant home for its 30,000 residents.

Add to this the sporting and sailing events, cricket pitch, historical monuments and churches that sit next to artisan boutiques selling original pieces of jewellery, clothing and objet d’art make a day in Corfu Town exciting and interesting. As the sun sets the cafes and restaurants are perfect for absorbing the cosmopolitan atmosphere that makes Corfu Town unique.
